Preventative Maintenance
Well after the very brief Maiden Voyage of the Kahuna at Mission Beach, Queensland. I rinsed the boat and frame with fresh water and packed it away before heading back home to Sydney. Additionally I picked up a PFD, which goes without say is an essential accessory to be had, the model I chose was an Ultra Gorge Type 2 PFD which fits well and feels like it could withstand some a good deal of abuse.
After taking the boat home I cleaned it all very thoroughly, placing everything in the bath, removing all the salt, drying each piece and then lubricating all the connections with a 4oz bottle of Boeshield T9. I am still looking for a dealer for Boeshield here in Australia, so if you are aware of a dealer in Australia then please let me know. After this process, which I spent a good couple of hours on, I had a nice set of free moving, nicely lubricated, tubes the connected and disconnected with ease. So I would have to stress to you all the importance of maintenance of your boat, and I would have save myself significant amounts of time and stress if I had performed the due diligence and cleaned the boat properly after my holiday.